Sawyer's Four Year Old Pictures
You may remember this little guy from last year! On Sunday we went out to Ochsner's Park and took Sawyer's four year old pictures. We got a couple shots of him and his cousins! We got a bunch of great shots, and this year was much warmer than last year!
Sawyer loved the tire swing and we got some great shots of him on that, along with some of the rest of the toys down at the park. He hated his bare feet touching the sand, and I don't blame him, that sand is rough! I didn't even like walking around on it. The girls were such fun, too. They had Sawyer show me his "funny face" which only he and his aunt Missy can do, it was such a riot taking his photos this year. I even got a couple of him and his mommy.
Sawyer and the girls.
Here's his cute funny face.
He was telling me that Michael is his friend.
Sawyer and mommy, I love this one!