Sunday, November 23, 2008


beautiful in color, originally uploaded by briemarie.

Last night we hit the Baraboo Light Parade. It's always freezing, of course, although this year was slightly less cold than last year. We were still wearing our thick jackets, hats, scarves, gloves/mittens. Next year, I need to bring a blanket. Although I met up with my dear friend Karen, isn't she gorgeous? Seriously I am loving this shot of her. So, my dear friend Karen and her two lovely little ones, and her new puppy, Pixie, and they have a blanket, and then my dear friend Jess shows up with her two little girls and they have a blanket. Oh, my friends, I am totally a mooch and grabbed one little girl for my lap (to keep her off the cold cold sidewalk, or just to keep myself warm!) and we wrapped up in a blanket. Lovely.
The parade was a blast, they still don't give candy out to the adults, but I'll keep holding out.

Anyways, hope the season is going great for everyone! Happy holidays and a happy Thanksgiving!!! PS. it's Thursday in case anyone was wondering, and I'll be at work, so if you've got extra food you can come visit me up at the shop!! Don't worry, I'll understand if you're spending the entire day with your own family!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Rockstar weather

rockstar children, originally uploaded by briemarie.

Isn't this weather crazy?!!! Today it is perfect out again, all week it rained, last week it was freezing and then the week before that we were out swinging in t-shirts!! I'm not looking forward to the snow that I'm sure will be coming and staying very soon, but a couple more nice days like today and I can get all my leaves raked.

Everyone enjoy the weather while you can!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

{albums} september 2008 issues

covers, originally uploaded by briemarie.

We got in a couple of albums last week and they are so totally gorgeous! Look at the covers on these babies! This is the front cover of Aaron and Kristin's wedding and the back cover of Jeff and Joleen's wedding. Aren't they gorgeous?! The covers are metallic prints wrapped around the hardcover books, the inside pages have a linen texture and they are just amazing!!!

I really don't want to give them up because they are so gorgeous, but you know I will. I've still got a couple of albums to get finished up, so I really should run now and get those done, plus we're working on a couple more sample albums for the 2009 Bridal Fair at Ho-Chunk, if you've got any ideas for us, leave a comment, we love to hear from you!!!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Belated Halloween!!

up the walk, originally uploaded by briemarie.

I know that I have been a little slack on blogging. I've been touching up albums and getting others ready to send out while also working on a couple of family shoots. I'll get more pics up soon, I promise that I have not forgotten about you, November is just a little crazier than some months. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I went out with a friend trick or treating with my niece, my goddaughter and her little sister, they were so adorable. Here's a shot of them so excited for the first house, which didn't have candy, but that's a whole other story!



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