Friday, July 23, 2010

{one} J + V's first birthday

I cannot believe that today my little monster turned one. I honestly don't know whether I should laugh, cry or do both. The past year has been lined with many changes and surprises. I never know how much one little person could change my whole life and I am blessed to be able to call her mine.

We had an amazing party tonight to celebrate the last year, and to everyone that came - thank you for celebrating this next step in Jamie's life, we are honored that you could come and share this time with us!

I cannot believe how daintily Jamie ate her cupcake, silly goose. Usually she devours them up, just like her boyfriend, Vik, who came over to share in the party goodness. Jamie did get dirty after a while, but it took some urging.


Monday, July 19, 2010

{sneak peek} sara + joe, bliss, madison, wi

Here is just a little sneak peek of our day on Saturday. I saw this first image on my lcd screen and knew that I had fallen in love, I'm thinking a new canvas. Sara and Joe are just the cutest couple, I really just wanted to hug them both and squeeze their cheeks, don't ask me why, I just want to.

And as for the second shot, well, what's a wedding without a little dress up?


Sunday, July 4, 2010

{holiday} happy 4th of July!!

crazy lights, originally uploaded by briemarie.

I have no idea what went on in this shot, but I love it so much that I have to share. Jamie, surprisingly, didn't mind the fireworks. She kept pointing up at the sky at the pretty lights. It was awesome, until we got rained out. Okay, it wasn't a ton of rain for Rob and I, but Jamie is pretty tiny and gets soaked quick, so we didn't keep her out, too long.

I know you're thinking "man, why doesn't she take out those power lines?" Well, I kinda like them in there. I think the explosion would just be too much then, but I may take it out later.

I hope you all are having a wonderful 4th of July, spending time with friends and family. I know we did. I love spending time with my two favorite people. Ahh, love.


Saturday, July 3, 2010

{celebrate} witwen parade 2010

Our little family met up with some good friends for the Witwen parade today. It was Jamie's first parade, and I'll admit she got a little tired and cranky, but we all had a blast. There was a ton of people, and we even got to sit near the balloon guy, he made balloon animals for the surrounding kids, awesome!

I took a few shots, of course. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Fourth of July!


Friday, July 2, 2010

{exclusivity} a little wedding chat

Granger_RK_0315, originally uploaded by briemarie.

One of the clauses in our contract states that we will be the exclusive photographer. What does that mean, you say? Well, we don't want you to go hiring another photographer to shoot the day, too. We'd be getting in each others way and probably getting pretty frustrated.

I wanted to talk about guests at weddings, particularly guests with cameras. Pretty much everyone has a camera these days. It's a fact of life that when you're heading out to something special, like a wedding, that you're gonna grab your camera, throw it in your purse (unless you're a guy and don't have a purse) and take some shots of your friends and family because, really, how often is everyone you love in the same place at the same time.

So, yeah, we're the exclusive photographer, but we don't want your friends and family to feel like we won't let them shoot. They want to remember the day, too. We get that. Of course, there's been a time or two that we have to be firm, but hey, let us get our formals shot first and then we'll move out of the way and let you take a couple.

Rob and I, we're pretty laid back. When we are shooting, we work on staying in the background. Sometimes you won't notice us, those are my favorite shots. Sometimes we'll move you around, but we won't obstruct your guests while they are shooting. It's not our style. As photographers, our goal is to capture your wedding day or your portraits as unobtrusively as possible. We want the focus to be on you and what makes you happy.

Why am I writing this, you ask? Well, one of our assistants was attending a wedding as a guest a couple weeks back. She had brought her camera to she could take some shots of her friend the bride. Nothing fancy, just some shots to remember the day. She didn't drag the bride and groom away from the dance floor or anything crazy like that, she was just shooting them as they naturally were. Whenever she would go to take a shot, the hired professional or his assistant, would step in front of her, ruining her shots.

When we talked about her day, she told us how frustrating the whole situation made her feel. She just wanted some shots to remember her friend's wonderful wedding, but all she left with was a bit of anger at the professional photographer.

I feel the same way. As a photographer, my duty is not to restrict others, but to capture the moments the best that I can. I will not get in your way, at least not purposefully. I want you and your guests to enjoy the day and leave with the feeling of newfound love.

On that note which was much longer than I had anticipated, enjoy your weekend!


Thursday, July 1, 2010

{in love} emily + dave, devil's lake, baraboo, wi

We had been a bit worried about rain on the day of Emily and Dave's Get to Know You Session, but our worries were for nothing. The entire evening was perfectly gorgeous. Emily and Dave are naturals in front of the camera. They are so sweet together that all I wanted to do was hug them. Seriously, the way that they could just tune out the camera and just focus on each other was amazing, each little gesture was filled with love.

It's sessions like this that reaffirm why we do photography. Adorable. Check out the images yourself and see what I mean. The whole session was perfect, from the light and location, to the love we captured.

As always, feel free to leave us some blog love!


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