Friday, September 26, 2008

{samples} swatch tins

So, we got in part of our sample order yesterday. I had been checking my email all week, and noticed that they were to arrive yesterday, I was so excited. I got home, saw the box sitting on the front porch, cleaned up the toilet paper that the kids had decorated our house with the night before (it's homecoming, you know! although why our house got hit I have got no idea, anyways back to my story), I take the box inside, clean off the coffee table so there is someplace clean to place the albums, go wash my hands, and then wait. Wait for Rob to get home so I don't open the albums without him. He gets home and I open the box, and lo and behold, it's not the sample albums, but the swatch tins we ordered along with them!!

I've got another email saying that the albums (crossing my fingers) will be here next week. So, I was a little sad that it was just the swatches until I took a look at them. They are so luscious and gorgeous and so much more elegant in person that now I have tons of colour combinations running through my head of all the albums that I want to order next! Now, I'm really really really excited to get our samples in, the swatches were so soft and delicious, they have completely environmentally friendly swatches along with leathers so we've got everyone covered. I can't wait to begin our new year with these albums. If you'd like to checkout our new line go to, they are just gorgeous and so many options!

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