Tuesday, December 2, 2008

{real life} miss e - baraboo

miss e, originally uploaded by briemarie.

On friday I had the absolute pleasure of having Tori bring little miss Ella up for her four month old picures! What a doll, she smiled and talked, and I, of course, took a ton of shots that I have to weed down. I love her big bow, is that not the coolest thing? I'm totally going to have to buy some of my own for props.

Tori and her mom were awesome, and little miss Ella was fabulous, if only all babies were like her. Take a look at those gorgeous blue eyes, I say that they look like Tori's, but who knows. So, here goes a little teaser of the cutest little girl, seriously, I totally wanted to keep her, such a good baby. She was talking and blowing bubbles, I absolutely loved it!

Thanks Tori for making my day, and week, and maybe even the whole month of December awesome!!

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