{personal} memorial weekend
What a gorgeous weekend! Other than yesterday's rain, it's been beautiful out, sunny, nice and warm, we took the top off the Jeep and drove out to the lake today for a little cookout with my friend Karen and her family. The kids, of course, wanted to play in the lake, so we went out to the shore and the little island where we found a couple of fabulous rock monuments. I wonder how long it took them to make it? It took the little boys on the island mere moments to knock the whole thing down just minutes after I got my shots. Although when we left they were trying to reconstruct it.
The lake was nice and busy, you can see all the colored dots on the shore behind the sculpture, there were tons of people fishing in the lake, lots of canoes and kayaks on the water, and everyone was in a great mood. I hope that everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day weekend!
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