Wednesday, December 9, 2009

{wedding} molly + stu, wisconsin dells, wi

What a fun day! Although the forecast said rain, we had gorgeous grey clouds and just the tiniest bit of rain, which I have heard is good luck for a wedding. The temperature was perfect, chill but not too cold to take some outdoor shots a the River Walk between the ceremony and reception.

The ceremony was at the United Presbyterian church in the Dells and Pastor Steve was great. Molly and the girls were getting ready in the basement when we arrived, Stu was already in his tux, ready for the formals to start. Princess Alexis, the flower girl, was one of the best models of the day.

Molly's dress was gorgeous! I love lace and her dress was covered in it. After the ceremony, we braved the sprinkling rain for some outdoor shots at the Riverwalk, hit Monks at the Wilderness for a quick drink and a sneak downstairs (Rob knows the peeps there) and then on to the Wintergreen and the reception.

There were a couple bowls of skittles and gummi bears awaiting the guests while they mingled, how sweet!

The meal was delicious, the music hopping. Rob and I had a blast meeting Molly and Stu's families and helping to capture the memories of their day. We played around with off camera lighting at the reception and once again set up the backdrop for an impromptu photobooth area.

Congrats, Molly and Stu!

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