Custom Photographers
I just came across an awesome website that helps to educate the consumer on why a custom photographer is the way to go. Photography is more than just picking up a camera and taking a great shot, there is so much more involved in the way that photographers think and create. Especially with the onslaught of digital cameras, everyone seems to own one, maybe at the next wedding, we'll just turn around and snap a shot of everyone shooting behind us! Wouldn't that be a funny shot?
The difference between a professional photographer and someone with a camera, is that the professional knows how to utilize the settings of their equipment, knows how to properly expose to get that perfect shot, while Uncle Ted just points his camera and clicks away. I just wanted to share this link with everyone, and maybe it will help to see why a custom photographer is the way to go, instead of heading to the local mega mart, you know what I'm talking about, to get those family pictures taken.
Check out the link here:
Truly, it's an awesome sight, full of some great insight to the world of photography and some amazing photographers, so go ahead check it out and let me know what you think, we always love to hear from you!
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