Tuesday, March 17, 2009

{exciting news}

We have some exciting news to share with our peeps: we are now able to accept credit cards. No more waiting for checks to clear, this should make it easier than ever for some of our clients.

Along with being able to accept credit cards, our new proofing and online ordering system is up and running. I can't wait for our next shoot to really put it into action.

And the last of the news, for now at least, we are halfway along with our pregnancy, super excited and a little worried (I'm sure all new parents have this fear to begin with!). We go in for the ultrasound on friday, I don't want to find out, but Rob does, we'll see how that goes, so I'm sure that everyone will soon see the first shot of our little bundle of joy. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well!

I hope the sunny weather and wonderful temperatures is making everyone want to go outside and enjoy the fresh air before it rains next week. I know I've been craving the outdoors.

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