{personal} mail call
Rob and I came home after work today to find a package waiting for me in the mailbox. I love to get the mail, ever since I've been a kid I have loved to open up the mailbox and see what kind of treasures were to be found within. Today, I found my novel waiting to be paged through for the very first time. Oh, the excitement.
For the last two years, I have participated in NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month during November. The goal is to write a 50,000 word manuscript in 30 days. So far, I have succeeded both times. Last year, the winners were able to make a proof book for free, so I took advantage of the sweet deal and my proof copy came in the mail today. It's so exciting to see your name in print, isn't it always? I couldn't stop grinning, now I'll have to let people read it, that's more nerve wracking than anything else.
So now, I have my very own novel, in print, proof though it may be. I just had to share.
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