Tuesday, June 22, 2010

{in love} Ashley + Eric, Madison, WI

Let me tell you all about Ashley and Eric. They are so perfect for each other. We were a little worried about the rain ruining the session, and we did get a teensy bit wet, but after ten or twenty minutes, I wasn't counting, the rain stopped and we got some gorgeous cloud coverage. There have been amazing skies all week and we got some awesome shots to go along with our awesome couple. We headed out to a little park on the outskirts of Madison, where Eric proposed. I totally made him reenact things, it was awesome.

Ashley then suggested we drive down the road. I love the locations! First: gorgeous park with lots of stuff, bridge, rocks, grass, oh yeah. Second: amazing grungy buildings with train tracks, what could be better? Take a look at what we found.

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