Wednesday, June 23, 2010

{personal} little miss j is 11 months already!

It seems like we just brought Jamie home, but today is already her eleven month birthday. Can you believe that?! I find it hard to believe, but then I look at her and she's just so big! She crawls everywhere, just like a little crab, and gets into everything. She talks back (I'm pretty sure she gets her sass from her daddy) and giggles. She is always happy when she wakes up in the morning, she'll just lay in bed and talk to herself. I love it. I love her. She's a smart little cookie, too.

People told me that she would grow fast, but I didn't believe them. I'm still just a bit in denial that this little person is really my baby, she's growing up so fast and I don't want to miss a thing.

I think it's great when we can just stop what we're doing and focus on those little things in life. I think that's one of the reasons that I love photography so much, I love to capture those moments that you think I don't see. The little grin that a girlfriend gives her boyfriend. The kids racing around a field of dandelions, not caring whether they stay clean or get a little dirty. Grandma's hands as she helps a bride into her dress. It's those moments and so many others that make me treasure what I do, and I am honored and blessed that so many people feel the same way. Thank you, for letting us into your lives and showing us your hearts.

Of course, after that I need to leave you with some silly shots of miss Jamie and her ice cream escapade, but please don't tell the doctor we gave her ice cream! ;)

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