Monday, August 25, 2008

{love} mollie + scott

ok. I can't promise that this is the last I'll post from Mollie and Scott's gorgeous day, but I just had to post these ones, these two are so adorable together. Just looking at the images from their wedding, gives me a warm tingly feeling, these two are so in love!!

I love this shot of Sophie, isn't she cute playing with the umbrella?


Thursday, August 21, 2008

{senior pix} some more of Mike

As promised, although slightly later than I had originally planned, are more shots from Mike's senior portraits! I really love the first one, although the next one is Rob's favourite. There is this perfect salmon colored wall in downtown Baraboo which I fell in love with, although Rob changed it to black and white, apparently the colour is not right for guys!


Monday, August 18, 2008

a couple more shots from mollie + scott's big day!!

We each got our very own cupcake!
I love the buildings down on Water Street, they have so much history in them, belonging to the Circus, and they are so colorful! Now, I need to go work on the rest of the images.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

{wedding} mollie + scott

Yesterday, we shot the wedding of two amazingly fabulous people, I totally love my job! Who couldn't with these two? I have known Mollie since high school and I am so honored that she chose Rob and I to be a part of her day.

Anyways, let me tell you about this wedding, that's what really matters, right? Well, the day was so fast paced. We had a schedule we tried to stick to, although things just started running a little longer than anticipated and we were just a tad strapped for time. This was our second wedding out at Devil's Lake, South Shore, too, and the lake was packed! The day was gorgeous! OMG - gorgeous, blue skies, a light breeze and the sun was shining down on us all day. What could be more perfect?! The bride and groom decided to meet before the four o'clock wedding, and I posted a couple teasers of that for you of them! and these were some of my favourite shots of the day. Mollie was such a beautiful bride and Scott, what can I say? he is such a wonderful guy with a totally fun loving family.

The bride and bridesmaids rode in on a horse drawn carriage - how awesome is that?! And then the bride and groom rode off in the carriage after the ceremony. We quickly rushed after the ceremony to the reception hall, Baraboo Arts Banquet Hall, for the dinner and dance, where everyone got their very own cupcake, and let me tell you, I definitely come to the weddings for the cake, I just love sweets.

Mollie's flowers were done by her cousin, the food catered by another cousin, and the DJ was Music Box DJ service - who all totally rocked this wedding! The pastor came up all the way from Dubuque.

Mollie and Scott were surrounded by the love and laughter of their family and it was wonderful to see so many people coming together to help out in this once in a lifetime event. So many of their family and friends helped to make this such a special day for them, and it was just beautiful.

And now for the teasers, I would have posted more, but I seemed to have woken up with a horrible crick in my neck and sitting here for so long just isn't helping, so you'll have to be patient and wait for the rest to come!!


Friday, August 15, 2008

m+s rehearsal

m+s rehearsal, originally uploaded by briemarie.

a little teaser for tomorrow's wedding. Rob and I like to hit the rehearsal just to double check that we know how everything is going to pan out. Tomorrow's wedding is out at Devil's Lake and I am so stoked to be shooting there! Mollie and Scott are so cute together, and Scott's twin is the best man, so we are going to have a ton of great shots, everyone in the wedding party is just great, I'm sure that they'll all ham it up!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Washington DC Schmap Guide

washington memorial with duck, originally uploaded by briemarie.

I was just informed that this shot I took when we drove out to DC is now being included in the 5th edition of the Schmap Washington DC Guide. How exciting is that?!! I'm sure that I'll be gushing all day.

It was so much fun for the two of us to drive out there, and we saw so much while we were there, I just wish we had been able to spend more time in our nation's capital. We walked so much that day and saw so many interesting things.


Friday, August 8, 2008

early morning

birthday morning, originally uploaded by briemarie.

The weather has been just gorgeous here lately!!! Can you believe that this is the sunrise on Rob's birthday last week? Can you believe I was up early enough to see it?!! That's the real question, but I am so happy that I got to see the sun beginning its round for the day. There was a little fog and the morning was nice and cool, which turned into the perfect hot day, but this morning has stuck with me all week.

I wish we had more days like this. It truly was so spectacular and amazing. It made me wish I had someone to take pictures of and I didn't really have to go to work.


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