Circus Appreciation Days!!
With everything else that went on last week, I completely forgot to mention that we went to the circus!! It's been years since I last went, and there's things that they no longer have, like the Big Top, but we did have a blast. It was the Baraboo National Bank's Circus Appreciation Days, at least I think that's what it was! We met up with Rob's paren'ts, Matt and Cheyanne, Grandma Jenny and Rob's aunt Sharon and uncle Gary at the circus and had a baggie lunch which included a hot dog, chips and my favourite: ice cream.
Cheyanne got a new camera, it's kid proof and although it doesn't show the pics after you take them, it apparently does take pictures. Unfortunately, I don't think she quite realizes how to use it yet, since it stayed at five pictures all day.
After our lunch, Cheyanne had to ride the carousel. Once for Matt was enough, apparently going in circles makes him sick! So he sat and watched Cheyanne and Rob for her second time 'round. I shot this right after he finished sticking out his tongue at Cheyanne and Rob on the carousel.What a little goose! Look at that smile. I think I take too many pictures of her, since she's such a cute little model, she loves seeing the screen after I take a shot of her.