Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Belated Halloween!!

up the walk, originally uploaded by briemarie.

I know that I have been a little slack on blogging. I've been touching up albums and getting others ready to send out while also working on a couple of family shoots. I'll get more pics up soon, I promise that I have not forgotten about you, November is just a little crazier than some months. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I went out with a friend trick or treating with my niece, my goddaughter and her little sister, they were so adorable. Here's a shot of them so excited for the first house, which didn't have candy, but that's a whole other story!


1 blog love:

Anonymous,  Tuesday, November 11, 2008  

Wow! I love that photo Brie!! You have such a good eye for color!

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