Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas tea

christmas tea, originally uploaded by briemarie.

While Kay is gone, Amanda and I took miss Cheyanne out to Christmas tea, she was a little disappointed that it was only orange banana juice instead of tea (we're pretty sure she was thinking sweet tea), but we did have some fun. Cheyanne played with the other little girls while Amanda and I made up our own little snowlady decorations and munched on gingerbread cookies, yummy!

On another Christmas note, Rob got us a real tree! We haven't had a real tree the entire time we've lived together, we have this tiny three foot tree that we set up, but this year, oh our house smells so good! I just don't have enough ornaments for it, it nearly touches our ceiling! Maybe I'll post some pictures, then you can see that Cheyanne helped me to decorate, ha!

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