Saturday, March 6, 2010

{personal} what fills my day

All right, my blogging has been pretty non existent for the past month. I have so much that I want to share with all of you, and yet, it seems like I never have enough time in the day to get everything done. I know that I am not the most organized of people, ask Rob, he'll tell you. But there is a method to my madness. Try sitting in on one of my dreams sometime, I have the craziest dreams. I've heard that people don't dream in color, not true, I have the most vivid dreams, plus I can read. What does that mean, I suppose? It's on of my weirdities. Oh yeah, totally made up word at that. Wink, wink.

We have so many plans and ideas that we have for this coming year. Our days have been filled, not only with work, photography and baby, but with all the outrageous thoughts racing through our heads. We have our Senior Reps for Baraboo already, headshots are done and we are already talking to more students about having their senior pictures taken this summer. I can not believe that my baby sister will be a senior this year. Have I gotten that old?! I suppose it's true, time flies.

As I look back at the last seven months, I am amazed. Jamie is sitting up by herself, eating solid foods on a regular basis (so far the favourite is bananas), she tries to "swim" while on her tummy on a blanket and pretty soon she will be crawling all around. We had an awesome time at the Once Upon a Time bridal fair in the Dells and booked two amazing couples that day. We started offering metal prints, yes they are metal and you just have to clean them with windex, how sweet is that?! I bought a new car, with Jamie in mind, I'll miss my Jeep, but hey, priorities change.

I wanted to leave you all with some shots of what, or shall I say who, has been keeping me so busy the last couple of months. She does sleep through the night, thank goodness, but by the time she's in bed, we are, too. She just wears us out! We are so blessed to have such a beautiful and healthy baby girl, I can only wish that everyone else is just as lucky in their own endeavors.

She has the best expressions, and she talks now. Nothing understandable of course, but she talks gibberish and we talk back to her. She loves it. She gives kisses now, and as soon as she learns to close her mouth during these kisses, I believe that we will get less slobbery, but we wouldn't trade a kiss for the world.

I never imagined my life would turn out this way. I am amazed. As if this wasn't enough, we have the best start to our wedding season this year. Two of my old high school friends are getting married in the next month and a half. Our shortest wedding will be later this month, and our longest will be next month. I promise to have an amazingly awesome time at both and hopefully, cross my fingers, get some shots up in a timely manner. ;) I am so psyched! I can't really contain my excitement, and Rob was so jealous of Boris, that he had to order his own just in time for our first weddings. Woohoo.

I hope you all are having a blast. As always, I love to hear from you, so feel free to leave me a comment or two. And yes, I know, she has little bat wing ears, they are gorgeous.

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